
My Characters

When I'm alone they come to meDrinking coffee or drinking teaA purring cat upon my knee          That's when they come near The characters live in my bookThis writing task I've undertookTalk loud! My ears won't overlook          Speak so I may hear They talk to me and...

Donate Blood

It's only a little bloodI ask you to donate,The need for blood is always thereSome people just can't wait. Trauma, disease and cancer tooSo many reasons to give,Mothers, fathers, boys and girlsNeed your blood to live. So book online, it's very fastI hope these words...

Bird’s Feet

Fragile feet on iceNo feathers to warm their toesWonders of nature © Howard Pell 2020. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license. 

Autumn Leaves

Autumn leaves, death throesGolden sobs, Crimson lamentsSaffron wails and tears © Howard Pell 2020. This work is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.